Contact us

General enquiries

Contact us by using our online enquiry form

Office of the Chief Executive
Level 8 Executive Wing
Parliament Buildings


(04) 830 5000

Media enquiries

If your query is intended for the Prime Minister’s media staff then you should use and your query will go directly to them.

For media enquiries specific to the Cyclone Recovery Unit, please email

For all other media queries, please email

See also our Social Media Transparency Statement.

The DPMC performance story

Our purpose is to advance an ambitious, resilient and well-governed New Zealand.

Make an Official Information Act (OIA) request

  1. Read about the Official Information Act (OIA) on our guidance page How to make an Official Information Act (OIA) request for content held by DPMC.
  2. Before making a request to DPMC, check our publications and see what information is publicly available and see if we have answered your questions.
  3. Make a new request by contacting us.

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